Stand or Fall

United we stand. This is part of God’s Order too, did you know that? Dad’s and Mom’s, we have to stand together as one. Because if we don’t and we allow our children to divide us, what happens? Chaos. Yes, the whole family senses the DIS-order, that lack of peace, absence of joy and…and well, everyone can feel that things are just not right. I really think the enemy is the only one who knows divided they fall! Husbands and wives, we must make a firm and solid stance, united with one another in all the important and vital things of raising our children. What’s the most important of those principles? Standing on God’s Word.

Each member of the family must be reading, studying and implementing the Bible in their own lives, as well as together as a family. This is how we are able to live the godly life, growing in Christ in our own person, then living it out with all those God places in our lives. Thus my Seven Ripples of Life! We start on the inside, the most important part of who we are, growing and allowing the Holy Spirit to develop His Fruit within us. Then we make sure we are as healthy as we can be, because if we are not, we are no help to those around us. Then we work on this second most intimate relationship, our marriage, and then we move on to parenting, again with a firm and solid stance, grounded in God’s Word.

<>< Peace, Diane