The CURE for Everything

Today’s Lesson is a lesson we need to learn for the rest of our “today’s”: Humility

HUMILITY! It is the cure for all that ails this broken and corrupt world. It is the cure that rids us, more and more, of that self-centered heart attitude called Pride that we inherited from our original forefathers. Not that we can put the blame on them because each of us has CHOSEN Pride over Humility, following their example, time and time again! 

But there is another Human example that we can CHOOSE to follow instead. He is the only One Who has ever fought death and lived to tell about it. I pray you know His Name…not just intellectually, but personally, intimately, and forevermore. If you’re not sure that He is your Lord and Savior, won’t you reach out to me? Click here to contact me

<>< Peace, Diane