Then Comes the Intimacy

The next Ripple is all about learning to live with someone who is completely different than you, and that would be your spouse. When a man and woman come together to become one, we must learn all about a gender, that may want what we want, but goes about achieving that in a totally different way. Again, this is symbolic for our growing relationship with God who is so Holy and set apart from humans, it will take the rest of our lives here, and probably there, to fully know Him. But that is a good thing. If my tiny little human brain could thoroughly know God, then He wouldn’t be the Spectacular God that He is! Becoming one, with God as well as our spouse, is a process that we must engage with and choose to enjoy every step along the way.

For many couples, after marriage comes the joys and “oy’s” of parenting. Helping to shape another human into the godly person they were always meant to be, is as challenging as it gets, especially in a world that is increasingly against any Biblical principles we want to instill into our children. This requires lots of growth on our side because, as I have heard it said, parents must give our children two things: roots and wings. We must understand that “our” children, were God’s children first, so there must come a point on our parenting journey where we trust we have done all we could and now God will finish what He started by giving them to us in the first place. We must let our children go into the mighty and more than capable hands of God. This requires lots of trust on our part towards God and towards our children. This is not easy, but it is well worth it.

<>< Peace, Diane