This will be our last week in these great devotionals from The Chosen, so I have saved my favorite shirt for last. If I teach any message at all it is this one: Not What We Were. This shirt is inspired by a scene in The Chosen TV show, where Jesus is preparing His Apostles to go out two by two to spread the news. Spoiler alert: I love how the show strategically pairs opposites together, for instance a zealot with the tax collector. The disciples that know what Matthew used to be, kind of question if that is a good idea to pair these two, but Jesus tells them, “You are not what you were.” And the Bible tells us this reality also. Once we become born again, our identity has changed, starting that exact moment into forever. We were lost. Now we are found. We were wicked. Now we are righteous. We were sinners by nature. Now we are saints by God’s Grace. Knowing that we have changed inside is how we begin to change outside.
The deeper we understand that we are IN Christ, the more we will stop thinking, feeling and choosing as we used to, when we were apart from Him. This means, BEFORE we think a thought, feel an emotion or want any choice, we will pray about it all, aligning our soul— that is, our thinker, feeler and chooser— to the Will of God. For instance, when someone yells at us, whether we merit it or not, we used to just yell right back. We would think, “I am not going to take this!” We used to feel all offended. And we would want to choose to retaliate. Now, we stop and pray in our hearts for wisdom, patience, humility and so on. If we are at fault we apologize and make recompense. If they are at fault, we forgive and treat them with kindness anyway. This is our new nature. And we ACT different simply because we are not what we were. This takes time, effort and lots and lots of praying. But if we still think we are what we were, then the change within us will remain there, inside of us, and no one will know about our Salvation, because they will see no difference in us at all. Nor will anyone turn to God because of us and seek their own Salvation either.
Remember, the devil doesn’t have a problem with you proclaiming that you are a Christian, so long as you don’t act like one. Knowing you are New IN Christ, is how we turn that enemy’s strategies against him. For example, instead of allowing that old serpent to steal, kill and destroy us, (see Jn 10:10), every time we act according to this New Identity, we steal his opportunity to use us in negative ways. We kill his plan to hurt us, and others through us. And we destroy his ability to dishonor God. Say it with me: Not What We Were! Now connect with God, trust in Jesus and allow the Holy Spirit to lead you in righteousness in every way, every day.
2023’s Got A Minute? Book Club
January: The First & Best Book Ever: The Bible
February: Love Is In the Air: “The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts” by Gary Chapman
March: Spring Growth: “Secrets of the Vine” by Bruce Wilkinson
April: Living the Resurrected Life: “The Wonderful Spirit Filled Life” by Dr Charles Stanley
May: My Spiritual Mom: “Making Good Habits Breaking Bad Habits” by Joyce Meyer
June: Spiritual Dad: “It’s Not About Me- Rescue from the Life We Thought Would Make Us Happy” by Max Lucado
July: Financial Freedom “Complete Guide to Money” by Dave Ramsey
August: Summer’s Soul Restorer “A Shepherd Looks At Psalm 23” by W Phillip Keller
September: Covering Our Children: “Prayers for the Prodigals” by James Banks
October: Reformation of Our Hearts: “Grace: More Than We Deserve, Greater Than We Imagine” by Max Lucado
November: So Thankful To Be Chosen: “The Chosen 40 Days with Jesus Book One, Book Two & Book Three” by Amanda Jenkins, Kristen Hendricks and Dallas Jenkins
<>< Peace, Diane