Level one is “Barren Branches and Empty Baskets.” And remember, no guilt here! (see Ro 8:1) We all have to start somewhere, and the truth is, this is where every believer starts. The key is not to stay here! And so God does everything possible to make sure we won’t. Mr Wilkinson gives us the image of the Vinedresser carefully attending each and every Branch in His vineyard. When He takes note of a Branch that is bearing no fruit, He cuts it off and throws it in the garbage! NO! That is NOT what He does, AT…ALL! Each and every Branch is precious to Him. What God does is tend to that branch. Mr Wilkinson says that the Greek word “airo” used in Jn 15:2 is often translated as “cuts off,” but a clearer rendering is “take up” or “lift up.” This makes much more sense since God so loves us, and sent Jesus to come down to lift us up to God.
This author points out, “New branches have a natural tendency to trail down and grow along the ground.”(p34) Which makes sense, right? Even though we are New Creations in Christ, when we begin this journey, we are used to living life a certain way, apart from Christ. And as I have said, we often continue this low way of living until God intervenes in our lives, one way or another. It is easy to continue living the old way of sinful selfishness. I have shared this image before, but it is worth repeating here. Think of Holiness being at the top of a hill, while sin is at the bottom. It takes time, effort and intentionality to climb up that hill, but it takes nothing at all to fall and roll back down, right? Like gravity, sin can pull us back down into the muck and mire of its dirt, causing us to get sick and be useless. So with this in mind, see our Loving Vinedresser, tenderly picking up that barren Branch from the muddy mess, and cleaning away the dirt and grime, so that it can become fruitful. This is what we would expect our concerned, Loving Father would do for His children, isn’t it?
2023’s Got A Minute? Book Club
January: The First & Best Book Ever: The Bible
February: Love Is In the Air: “The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts” by Gary Chapman
March: Spring Growth: “Secrets of the Vine” by Bruce Wilkinson
<>< Peace, Diane