7-18-22 Life Lessons of Parables

This week’s reading: Matthew 13:24-58

Hi Friends, 

     Parables. We continue this week with more of these object lessons that Jesus used to, 1- explain the ways of God and 2- to test whether people’s hearts really wanted to know God or not. And this is still two of the reasons why parables are so very powerful. They teach us about God, then discern who wants to know Him and make Him known. This is certainly not because God does not already know. But rather, that you and me need to know. The issue is, we do not really know ourselves until God begins to show us WHO He created us to be…we, of course, must choose to want to learn this or not. Thus Jesus spoke, and still speaks, in parables. We are finishing up Matthew chapter 13 with verses 24 through 58, but listen to the very powerful, and sobering, Parable of the Weeds: 

Jesus told them another parable: ‘The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field.But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away.When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.The owner’s servants came to him and said, “Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?” “An enemy did this,” he replied.The servants asked him, “Do you want us to go and pull them up?” “No,” he answered, “because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them.Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.”’” Mt 13:24-30 NIV

     Weeds. I hate them. I mean, I see their purpose, but I hate them…I am talking about in my garden, of course. Yet everything is an object lesson if we have “ears to hear,” right? If we are willing, and eager, to learn, we can discover truths about God and our spiritual life in Christ from anything. So let’s talk about these pesky weeds. My family has planted really nice flowers and plants in our yard. We have mulched it all, so it looks like the lovely landscape we want, representing our home and family. But then come those annoying weeds, making the environment look all messy and unkept, like we just do not care about the way our property appears. Of course we do, but those weeds make it seem like we are being neglectful. Again, this yard is a symbol of who we are as a family. If the yard is a hot mess, what is it like inside our home? And so we must continually pull up these weeds, and be vigilant to remove them the moment they come up again. If we don’t, we are not displaying the goodness we truly desire to show. It is the same with weeds in us, my Friends. After becoming born again, we still have all sorts of weeds in our heart. False thoughts based on lies, emotions that are completely self-centered, desires the are self-destructive and attitudes that still fool us into believing  life all about MMI. None of these weeds represent WHO we now are in Christ. They certainly to not reflect His immaculate Character. So slowly but surely, like the incredible Gardener God is, the Holy Spirit begins to pull up a weed here, kill a root there and plant only goodness within us to replace them. Then we really start to represent God and His Kingdom. Unlike the soil who really has no choice but to grow whatever seeds are planted into it, you and I get to choose whether we will work with the Holy Spirit to pull up these weeds, or not. The more we live life aware of the presence of weeds in us, the more we can turn to God and allow Him to uproot them. This is all part of the Abundant Life Jesus has granted us. And yes, I know this is not what Jesus is talking about here in this parable, but it is a good lesson for us to learn about our own weeds that need to go. 

     Wheat and weeds. (v24-30 & 36-43) Jesus explains this parable, to those who really want to know, this way: the man who sowed good seed is Jesus, Himself, as He speaks truth about the Kingdom of God and Eternal Life found in Him. The field is this world, and the good seed Jesus sows are those who will become His believers. The weeds are those who do not care to know Jesus, as well as those who will not surrender to Him as Savior and Lord. In other words, the weeds are the lost in this world. Those who still think life is all about them and that they do not need God to be an intimate part of their lives, if at all. The weeds are not only those who do not think God is real, those who do not believe in the God of the Bible, but also those who may attend church every week, but have never given their lives to Jesus. Do we see why this can be so heartbreaking to God? They give Him lip service, but then move on with “their lives” as if God is not real. This is a great deception, my Friends, and of course, the enemy, the evil one, the old Serpent himself, is the one who sows these lies into the hearts of the “weeds.” He continues to keep these “weeds” in the delusion that they are fine the way they are living. “No need to change. Just keep looking out for yourself. After all, the world is all about MMI!” That’s the deception. Jesus continues saying that the harvest is the End of Time, when this world and this earthly life will all cease to exist. And those who harvest are God’s angels, who always do His bidding. They will come and separate the “weeds” from the “wheat,” unbelievers from believers. They are commanded to burn the weeds, but to bring the wheat into the Man’s barn. And so it will be in the End…but we are not at the End yet. And so this Man tells the harvesters to be patient and to wait until that Time. For now, unbelievers and believers must live together in this world, and what an amazing display of Grace this fact is. How? God cares about every human being and grants us countless opportunities to turn to Him and be saved. Unlike the physical weed and wheat, one cannot turn into the other, yet unbelievers can choose, any moment, to become a believer. A “weed” can turn into a “wheat” and come into the Man’s barn, IF it chooses to do so. It is not ours to say who is who, yet it is silly to think we cannot discern if someone knows Jesus or not. But still we should love everyone in the hope of turning weeds to wheat, or helping to ground the wheat deeper in Christ. This side of Heaven, let us choose to work with our Holy Gardener, then let Him sort it all out in the End.

     Parable of the mustard seed and the yeast. (v31-35) In both of these parables, it is interesting that we humans have little to no control over the growth of the object in the lesson. First the mustard seed. It can represent Jesus and His Church, but it can also represent the work Jesus is doing in each believer’s heart. So the symbolism of the Church. All we can do is plant a mustard seed, then only God can actually make it grow, especially to the height and width that would be big enough for “birds to perch” on its branches. Only God could take something so small and make it incredibly powerful. This is exactly how the Church got started! One Man, Jesus, came and began something that has grown to cross the expanse of time, cultures, countries and hearts. There are millions of people who have called in the past, and currently call themselves Christians, those of us who have come to “perch” safely on the loving arms of our Savior. Now Jesus supports us, provides for us, nurtures us, and helps us call other “birds” to come and be safe in Christ too. This is how the Church began and this is how it continues to grow. Now the symbolism of the believer’s heart. When we surrender to Jesus, the Holy Spirit comes to live within our own spirit. It is like becoming pregnant. A tiny seed implants itself within us and, only by God’s Grace and power, it begins to grow and becomes someone it never was before, and never could be apart from the seed. We too become someone we have never been, and never could be, apart from the Holy Spirit. Then God begins to grow us up so we may reflect Him, more and more. We become image bearers of God and we have the honor, privilege and responsibility of displaying His Character to the world, so others may want to come to Jesus and begin their own journey. Then there is the next parable about the yeast. The woman may put the yeast in the dough, but only God can make it spread until it encompasses every part of the dough. Both of these parables point us to the faithfulness of God. He who began the good work, will make sure it comes to completion. (Php 1:6) Our part? Work with God so we can be willing participants of His work, instead of willing opponents. Once again, the point is to be wheat, not weeds.

     Parable of the hidden treasure and the pearl. (v44-46) What is the Kingdom of God worth to you? Are you willing to be completely sold out for the Gospel? These next quicker parables are all about helping us understand that, this New Life in Christ, is much, so much more precious than anything and everything we hold on to in this world. As we really begin to understand the priceless value of what God has already done for us, all that He has already given us, all the He desires to do through us for our own benefit, as well as for the Kingdom’s? We begin to let go of the things of this world, one by one. The more we mature in Christ, the more the contrast between the temporary pleasures of this earthly life and Eternity, make the lesser things lose their appeal. They become like stale bread that can no longer nourish us, nor does it taste good at all…as a matter of fact, we start to note how they just might hurt us instead. Hidden treasures or pearls, even all the “riches” of this world, cannot hold a candle to the immense wealth of knowing God, and possessing that which He desires for us to have, enjoy and share. Things like peace in the midst of chaos. Joy in the middle of really difficult situations. And righteousness…sadly, this is not talked about much, but it is more precious than everything else. To know we are right with God, that all our debt is paid, that we never have to live alone because He is with us and will never leave nor forsake us…even if we are not acting like His beloved, holy children? How can we place a price tag on that? His Presence fulfills all the things we humans truly desire: security, belonging, being heard and given worth, living with a purpose, being loved, as well as being able to love, and on and on it goes. My Friends, if you are not sold out for Jesus yet, won’t you pray about this today? God will lead you…and the increasing sense of satisfaction you will experience will show you His immeasurable worth. 

    Parable of the hidden treasure and the pearl. (v44-46) What is the Kingdom of God worth to you? Are you willing to be completely sold out for the Gospel? These next quicker parables are all about helping us understand that, this New Life in Christ, is much, so much more precious than anything and everything we hold on to in this world. As we really begin to understand the priceless value of what God has already done for us, all that He has already given us, all the He desires to do through us for our own benefit, as well as for the Kingdom’s? We begin to let go of the things of this world, one by one. The more we mature in Christ, the more the contrast between the temporary pleasures of this earthly life and Eternity, make the lesser things lose their appeal. They become like stale bread that can no longer nourish us, nor does it taste good at all…as a matter of fact, we start to note how they just might hurt us instead. Hidden treasures or pearls, even all the “riches” of this world, cannot hold a candle to the immense wealth of knowing God, and possessing that which He desires for us to have, enjoy and share. Things like peace in the midst of chaos. Joy in the middle of really difficult situations. And righteousness…sadly, this is not talked about much, but it is more precious than everything else. To know we are right with God, that all our debt is paid, that we never have to live alone because He is with us and will never leave nor forsake us…even if we are not acting like His beloved, holy children? How can we place a price tag on that? His Presence fulfills all the things we humans truly desire: security, belonging, being heard and given worth, living with a purpose, being loved, as well as being able to love, and on and on it goes. My Friends, if you are not sold out for Jesus yet, won’t you pray about this today? God will lead you…and the increasing sense of satisfaction you will experience will show you His immeasurable worth.

     Prophet without honor. (v 52-58) While on earth, Jesus Himself was not honored in His own home, so who do we think we are? This is not an excuse to not step out of our comfort zone and love others into the waiting and open arms of Christ, but it is our reality that we must be aware of. This world is growing more and more hostile towards the Gospel and the Truth of God. Humans continue to want to be their own lord and make up their own rules and reality, so we are like sheep being sent out to wolves. (Mt 10:16) But do not fear! We have The Good Shepherd going before us, staying with us and never leaving nor forsaking us. (Dt 31:8) And as I said above, the Kingdom is well, so very well, worth any risk we may take on. Jesus once again says, “He who has ears, let him hear.” (v43 of our reading) Are we hearing His call? You know I am, and I pray you are too. I am going to leave you with this quote by Jim Elliot, the passionate missionary for Jesus Christ, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.” If you haven’t yet, my Friends, I do hope you will join me.

     Until we meet again, keep lifting your eyes to God, He’s closer than you think.

<>< Peace, Diane