7 Pillars of Physical Health

For the next couple of weeks I would like to talk about the second “ripple” that God taught me which I call Health Seekers. There are at least seven pillars to our physical health. They are:

1- Nutrition

2- Hydration

3- Activity

4- Sleep hygiene

5- Gut health

6- Relaxation

7- Environmental

We must keep these different areas of our physical health in mind as we make every decision we will make throughout our day. This is important because, each choice we make in one area will affect every other area. For instance, if we decide to eat a big meal right before going to sleep, it will affect how we sleep. We are interconnected beings and every life choice we make will increase our health in every area of our health. 

Today’s tip: every choice we make in one area will affect every of area, so we must be mindful, pay attention, to our choices. 

<>< Peace, Diane