Hi Friends,
Speaking words of truth in love to others. Speaking words of Life to ourselves. Speaking words in confidence as we discern what is acceptable and what is no longer acceptable in this New Creation Life. All these lead to something I mentioned in passing last week…it is one of the major blessings of the Abundant Life. Let’s talk about it.
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Php 4:13 NKJV
The verses surrounding this awesome truth in Philippians are centered on living a life of contentment. Paul was proclaiming that, no matter what the conditions he finds himself in, he can be content because his strength comes from Christ, not the passing circumstances of this world. And so he confidently speaks these words that lift his spirits to live this life with contentment. But imagine for a moment he only spoke to himself about all the problems he was experiencing. What if his words focused on all the hardships instead of on God? What would his witness be if the words he chose to think on were lies instead of God’s truth? What do you think would happen to his contentment? It would not even exist! The words we say to ourselves, we will proclaim to those around us. They do not only effect us, but they can impact others who hear them. And depending on what we choose to say, we can do all things and hold on to contentment sharing God’s peace and joy OR we can do nothing and sit in darkness keeping others from seeing God’s Love and power in our lives. Words are powerful.
Circumstances are constantly changing all around us. If this year has not taught us anything, then certainly it is this reality. Contentment on the other hand can be stable, secure and steadfast, IF we are speaking the right words over our lives. All month we have been talking about words and there power for good or evil. They are the building blocks of the quality of our lives. Paul was not in denial of all his trials. He speaks of them honestly, yet he does not allow the challenges to control his heart. He chooses to speak words of Wisdom and blessing to himself…and then thank God, he records them for you and me to use today as well. The reason we can be content no matter what is going on is because, like Paul, we know that God loves us. That God is with us through every up and down. That God will never leave nor forsake us. That God is working all things together for our good because we love Him. That God is real and really has a good plan for our lives. Paul can be content no matter what because he speaks these truths into his thoughts and these words strengthen him.
I will say it one more time: words are powerful. You want to experience one of the most awesome blessings of this Abundant Life? Then choose contentment. Yes, you heard me my Friends, it is a choice. This contentment comes as we choose to discern the words we speak to ourselves in our thoughts. This contentment comes as we choose to obey God’s words and dismiss any voice that does not align with His. This contentment overflows from us to those around us as we choose to share God’s words of truth in love to those around us. Again, a huge part of the Abundant Life is contentment, but if we lack the wisdom of how to speak these words that bless, if we lack the understanding that words have the power for good or evil, if we lack the confidence to obey God and trust Him with the results, then we might not ever experience this amazing Life God desires us to have. We might never sense this awesome relationship Jesus died to give us. And as we said last week, we might not know the difference between “I can’t or I can.”
Lord, grant me contentment. Wisdom. Understanding. Confidence. These are all gifts God is just waiting to give us. And in Christ we CAN have them. Whether we receive them or not though depends on the words we choose to speak to ourselves. If I say I can’t understand God’s Will, then I can’t. But if I say I can gain God’s Wisdom, then I can. And in Christ, I can receive, speak Life and do all the good deeds God designed for my life. The more I trust in Philippians 4:13, the more my peace and joy grow. I gain the confidence to reject any words that will not benefit me. I get the boldness to speak words that will help others live with more peace and joy. I experience the courage God’s Word provides to all who choose to trust and obey Him. Even as I write these articles, I choose my words carefully so that you may come to know God or know Him deeper still. The right words, spoken with the right heart, at the right time are healing to our souls. This requires confidence in God, and the more I step out in Faith, the more confidence He grants me….and the more contentment I have, no matter what’s going on. I know we all need more and more of that! So, won’t you join me?
Until we meet again, keep lifting your eyes to God, He’s closer than you think.
<>< Peace, Diane