8-3-20 Lord, Give Me the Words to Speak

Hi Friends,

     Sometimes we just don’t know what to say to others. Today let’s talk about another simple but powerful prayer we can lift up to God, knowing He will always answer:

“for the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say.” Lk 12:12 NIV

     Lord, give me the words to speak. Since only God truly knows what is going on in each person’s heart, it is vital that this be one of our prayers if we want to be a blessing to those around us. This promise becomes more and more real to us the more we grow in Christ. We must be able to discern the voice of God above all other voices trying to convince us to say this or that. For good or bad, we are influenced by all sorts of “voices” around us like our parents, families, friends, teachers, fellow students, bosses, coworkers, celebrities, commercials, anything we have ever read and so on and so on. And, of course, we can’t forget the Enemy who always seeks to speak lies into our lives. So many, often contradicting, voices! We have to learn to distinguish between all these and the Truth. The Truth might not always be what the other person wants to hear, but it is what they need to hear…but if we say the right thing, at the wrong time or the wrong way, then it will not be helpful. Learning to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit so we say the right thing, at the right time, with the right heart, comes only with maturity. Yet another reason why spiritual growth is essential for God’s children. As we grow, we can have the assurance that the Holy Spirit will guide us as to what to say, so long as we continue being sensitive to His leading.

     Obedience. Knowing what to say is only half the picture though. Many times it takes great courage to actually say what we know in our hearts God wants us to say. Obedience is always key in this New Life we now have in Christ. As I said above, the Truth might not be easy for others to hear, yet we are obligated to tell them anyway if we really love them and want what is best for them. The way we say the right words is just as important as what we are saying. The Bible teaches us to speak truth in love. This sounds a lot easier to do than it is, of course. We humans get frustrated with others when we see things they do not or we are trying to help them when they perhaps don’t want to be helped. I often use the saying, “too close to the tree to see the forest.” Several times, when the Lord told me to say something particular to someone that I knew they didn’t want to hear, I would 1- warn them they weren’t going to like it, 2- say it anyway with as much compassion as I could muster, then 3- leave the results in God’s hands. This is never a matter of “us” being right and “them” being wrong! Again, this is about being obedient to God. If He wants us to say something, then it is our responsibility to say it. As we grow in Christ, we never have to worry about what to say, but we do have to work on how to say it. The Holy Spirit will guide us as to what to say, so long as we continue being sensitive and obedient to His leading.

     Silence. And to be honest, sometimes not saying anything at all is the best thing we can do. We are especially in desperate need of God’s guidance with this. For example, when my Angel Pie passed from this world, the one person who helped me mourn the best was my son, Joshua. While I know everyone meant well, the placates and cliches only upset me more. I am a woman of Faith and a Bible teacher, after all, I know Beckie was in the arms of Christ, but at that moment, when my heart was ripping in two, the last thing I wanted to hear was, “She’s in a better place ”! Again, I understand people meant well, but silence is speaking too. On the other hand, Joshua, who was only 10 at that time, would put his little hand on my shoulder and lower his head and just sit there quietly with me as I wept. If I didn’t learn anything else from my heart wrenching experience, God has certainly taught me to do the same for others who have lost loved ones. Say nothing. Just be present. I will say it one more time, we can be sure the Holy Spirit will guide us as to what to say…or what NOT to say…so long as we continue being sensitive and obedient to His leading.

     Words are powerful. They can build up or tear down. God knows every detail of what has happened to each individual. God knows how we have internalized what has happened to each of us. Moreover, God knows what will happen to every single human in the future. Because He alone is this Omniscient, He alone knows the right words and timing of those words. The more I mature, the more I am learning to seek His wise guidance before I say anything. It’s a process, but the more I become sensitive, the more I decide to obey, and if need be, the more I hold my tongue, the more of a blessing I can be. This is one of the many goals in my life, how about you? Then won’t you join me?

     Until we meet again, keep lifting your eyes to God, He’s closer than you think. 

<>< Peace, Diane