9-21-20 Lord, Help Me Let It Go

Hi Friends,

     Life is a journey, for sure, but even in a journey, there are stops and go’s, right? Let’s talk about it.

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,” Ps 23:4a

     Throughout our lives, we are going to have to process certain events differently than others. The things that do not cause us any harm are quickly processed and we move on to whatever is next. But the more challenging situations we find ourselves in require a bit more time and effort for us to go through them. But the key is that we must GO THROUGH. Just like this very famous verse in David’s Psalm of the Good Shepherd, we cannot sit in the valley of the shadow of death or all we will experience will be death! We must make it to the other side of this horrific valley. It was never God’s desire for us to know the effects of death, but our self-will and sin has made this a reality in everyone’s lives. The Good News is, with Jesus, we can learn to move quickly through this death valley so we do not have to experience the fear and pain any longer than necessary. This is what I mean by “processing.”

     Once again, allow me to share a private conversation between God and myself. And again, please listen with a willing heart and open mind.

“God: Part of the processing is walking through the emotions too. Crying is a releasing mechanism. But only if you decide to let it go into My hands, where it has always been in the first place. Then I can work it together for your good. If you hold on to it…it is your responsibility to work it together…which you can’t…so you sit in the valley, in your ashes and weep. 

Me: You had given me a vision when Beckie was here of You standing in front of me as I was holding Beckie flat in my arms. I was “giving” her to You, but I was still holding her. So You and I just stood there, with Beckie in my arms and Your arms under her too…and We just stood there. I was telling You “take her” but You just stood there with this peaceful, understanding look in Your precious eyes, but You didn’t move. Then the vision was gone. Every now and then, You would remind me of this vision until I got to a point in her life where the vision came back and continued. This time, as We stood there face to face with Beckie between us, my arms went down…I let her go…then You smiled and turned away with her. It was like You were saying “Now, I can do something with her.” Of course, I believed You were going to heal her here…but You did heal her, just not here. But now I see this is the real lesson in those two visions! You will not force us to let things go, but You will be there with us during it all…yet when we choose to let it go, then You can and will work it together for our good. If we hold on to it…like I was holding on to Beckie…then it is our responsibility to fix it, which we can’t, as You said above, so we sit in the valley of the shadow of death…and death is what we experience: frustration, anxiety, bitterness, anger, depression and so on and so on. But when we choose to let go…then You take that burden off of us and work it together for our good…even if it is not what our heart desired, it will work out…certainly, in the end, but we can have a taste of it here too as we grow in our trust of You.”

     My Friends, I don’t know what past and current hurts you are holding on to, but please know you don’t have to. You can choose to trust our Loving God to make things right…IF you choose to surrender the event or situation or person to Him. If we choose to hold on to the pain, then we will be stuck in this death valley and no one will be blessed. God is not glorified. Others cannot be blessed by seeing our healing. And of course, be won’t be healed and will just re-injure ourselves over and over again. Lord, help me let it go. By the Grace of God, I have let go of many painful things in my life and the peace and joy I experience because I have surrendered those things is amazing. I refuse to allow them to control me and, because I do, I can sense God’s goodness that much more. That’s the Abundant Life. Want it? Then won’t you join me? 

Until we meet again, keep lifting your eyes to God, He’s closer than you think.

<>< Peace, Diane

3 thoughts on “9-21-20 Lord, Help Me Let It Go”

  1. Hi Di,
    Thank you for this week’s encouraging newsletter. You’ve helped me see where I am holding onto to hurt and unforgiveness. If I want to experience God’s peace & move past this I need to process it through God’s Grace and surrender the person’s and the hurt they’ve caused. Thank you for the visual of the valley of shadow of death and how to get to the other side is only w/ God’s help. I praise Him for you sharing Beckie’s story and how you surrendered your baby girl to God. It was the hardest decision you made but the best one for Beckie. May God continue to use you to grow His Kingdom here on this side of the earth. Love you my sister ❤️

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