Questions That Can Change Your Life

Our soul is powerful, but we need to pay attention to what we are feeding our soul, because it can mean the difference between experiencing life or death. So here are a couple of questions we can ask ourselves:

1- What are you saying to yourself? Every thought you have is a conversation you are having with yourself. Are those thoughts ones that will build you up or tear you down? Also ask yourself: what ideas am I allowing to become truths in my thought patterns? For instance, if someone says something bad about you, is that now how you view yourself? Has that comment become your reality? Or better yet, are you reading the Bible, hearing what God says about you, and allowing His truth to be the foundation of your thought process?

2- Am I paying attention to where my emotions are driving me? Are they driving me towards Self or are they leading me towards loving God with all I’ve got, and loving my neighbor as I love myself? We have been given an incredible gift called self-control, and it is best used when we learn to wield this weapon to control our emotions, because it directly impacts our will. Make sure your emotions are not becoming self absorbed, because we were created for upward and outward, and the moment we go inward, we are heading for trouble. Upward to connect with God, to grow in our relationship, and to become more and more like Him, and so, glorify our Creator. Outward to love and interact with others, creating healthy relationships that will help us live a full life. Then lastly, we will automatically be taking care of ourselves since, focusing on God and others, leads us to a fulfilling life filled with peace and joy. 

3- What, or really WHO, are we basing our will on? Is it on ourselves, following that old, sinful MMI nature, or is it on God, Who always and only wants what is best for us? 

I know this is challenging, but this is a big part of Sanctification, where we are transformed into the holy, pure nature of Jesus Himself. The more we stop and ask ourselves, what are we thinking, what are we feeling and whose will are we following, the more we can choose to lean on God so that we can make those life choices that will give us the Abundant Life we crave and were always meant to have.

MMI = Me, Myself and I

<>< Peace, Diane