We need both an occupation, as well as a vocation, to truly enjoy life. Again the job is to help us be able to live here, but the vocation is to help us be able to have a fulfilling life here, while looking forward to our Forever Home, after here. One uses our talents, while the other stirs a passion within us that operates in a spiritual way. We use the gift, but then what God does with our efforts will multiply exponentially. How? Because it will have an impact in this world, as well as affect the next. This requires learning to work with the Holy Spirit who is the one who brings these gifts into each of us as He sees fit. (1Co 12:11)
Sure by the Grace of God, we can enjoy this life by only using our talents, but something will always seem missing when we do not serve God by serving others. This is what we were created for, to glorify God, and the major way we do this is to imitate God in every area of our lives. For instance, God is THE Teacher, so when we use the gift of teaching to study and learn the Bible, then share it with other hungry souls, we are imitating Him. Another example is how God is a very Generous God, so when we organize a food drive to give to those in need, we are using our gifts to give towards others. There are countless ways these gifts can show up in our lives, but the key is to…well, we will talk about it tomorrow, leave a comment below if you know what that key is…
<>< Peace, Diane