New Year, New Journey

I hope to do something a little different this year that can help us to engage with God’s Word more, as well as to be able to implement it in ways that will help us have more peace and joy in our lives. Hopefully this will also allow those precious virtues to spill over into the lives of those around us too. Remember, the whole point to life is to love and be loved, and so the more peace and joy we experience and share, the more we will be able to love others and receive their love in return. Once again, this requires that we grow in Christ, to become more and more like Him, our Prince of Peace. 

So what I will do is give us one verse every week to talk about, to think about, and hopefully, to memorize and learn to implement into our daily walk too. By the end of this year, we will have memorized 52 Bible verses that will add to the quality of our lives. This will hopefully, draw us and others into a relationship, or a deeper one, with God too. You see, as we grow in Christ, we help others to see Him in real and practical ways, which will, once again hopefully, stir their own hearts to want to know our Savior personally too. This is still that Ripple idea, because this is the way God changes us, others and this world for the better, one heart at a time, and from the inside out. 

We will start tomorrow with what is probably the most well known verse in the Bible. Do you know what that is? I hope you do, so leave a comment below and we will start this new journey tomorrow…

<>< Peace, Diane