Mr Ramsey tells us, “The great misunderstanding, The paradox, is that we believe the way to have more is to hold on to what we have more tightly.” (p323) In God’s Economy, it works completely the opposite way. When we give, sowing the seeds God has blessed us with, out of a cheerful and pure heart, God will help us reap more than we could have ever had on our own. Again, we never give to get. But out of great gratitude for all that God has given us, especially His one and only Begotten Son and the Eternity He makes possible for us, we give, freely and willingly. (see Free Will here) We do not hoard our blessings. (see the Parable of the Rich Fool in Lk 12:13-21) We enjoy them, then we use them to help others enjoy their lives as well. This honors God. This points others to Him. This is the way we were always meant to live and is a beautiful picture of what Heaven will be like.
God told it to me this way: if you have a seed, with all its potential to bear so much more, but you hold it tightly in your fist and never plant it into the ground, you will never reap any of that potential, and moreover, the seed will eventually die off in your closed hands. Let’s do things God’s way instead. 1- get an Emergency Fund started. 2- get out of debt. 3- finish the Emergency Fund with 3-6 months of expenses. 4- invest 15% of your household income in Roth IRA’s or pre-tax retirement plans. 5- help your children with their college expenses. 6- pay off your home early. And 7- build wealth and be generous. This is the simple, yet powerful, financial plan Mr Ramsey spends his life teaching. It has blessed my home and I know it will bless yours as well.
2023’s Got A Minute? Book Club
January: The First & Best Book Ever: The Bible
February: Love Is In the Air: “The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts” by Gary Chapman
March: Spring Growth: “Secrets of the Vine” by Bruce Wilkinson
April: Living the Resurrected Life: “The Wonderful Spirit Filled Life” by Dr Charles Stanley
May: My Spiritual Mom: “Making Good Habits Breaking Bad Habits” by Joyce Meyer
June: Spiritual Dad: “It’s Not About Me- Rescue from the Life We Thought Would Make Us Happy” by Max Lucado
July: Financial Freedom “Complete Guide to Money” by Dave Ramsey
<>< Peace, Diane