A Clean Environment

One way you can tell the state of my mind is by looking at my desk. If everything is neat and organized, then so too are my thoughts and emotions and my stress level is on the low side. On the other hand, if my desk has papers all over, things where they do not belong and piles a mile high, then I am a mess, and the level of my stress is probably high. So one of the ways we can destress during the day is to get organized and clean up the area around us. We all know that clutter and having stuff everywhere just adds to the stress in our day, and again, if our day is stressful, then most likely our sleep is not going to be restful.

Our environment is very important, so whether it’s our home, our office at work or wherever we spend the majority of our day, the neater and more organized we can keep our area, the less stress we will experience because of our environment. And since we are talking about distressing during the day so we can sleep better at night, a neat and organized environment will lead to a neat and organized mind and emotions too, which should translate into a restful night’s slumber. 

So this is not an exciting application but, the neater your living area, the less stress you will have during the day. So go clean your environment, purge some things by getting rid of stuff you no loner need or want anymore, then watch the level of your stress go down, as the level of the quality of your sleep goes up. 

<>< Peace, Diane