“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves”. (Php 2:3) These are words penned by the great St Paul and this truth is the best way to have healthy relationships, especially marriages. Recall Jesus said the two will become one. (see Mk 10:8) When we place our spouse above ourselves, we are in fact lifting ourselves too. How? We are one. What elevates our spouse, should also elevate us. So when we do something special for our spouse, speaking in their love language especially if it is not ours, we are blessing the marriage, that means we both will reap the rewards of whatever it is we are doing for our spouse. (Eph 5:28) Ladies, we cannot love our husbands without reaping goodness for ourselves. Gentlemen, husbands cannot love their wives without benefitting themselves. Loving your spouse by placing them ahead of yourself, is mutually beneficial…and it also glorifies God, and is an excellent example to those around us too!
Paul actually says a very similar thing about the Church in general. “If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.” (1Co 12:26) You see, God uses the marriage as an image of how the Church should be functioning also. This is why the wisdom in this month’s book is great for every relationship. When we choose to love others the way Jesus loves us, then everyone wins. The other person is blessed, our lives become more fulfilling, and again, God is glorified. There are no losers when we choose to selflessly love each other…well, no one except that enemy who is a loser already anyway! (see Col 2:15) When we choose to love, we honor the sacrificial work of Jesus and “spread the news” about the Good News of how, in Christ, we are free, redeemed and well loved!
2023’s Got A Minute? Book Club
January: The Bible
February: “The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts” by Gary Chapman
<>< Peace, Diane