The Color of Love

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Love colors our perspective. And our perspective is how we experience everything in life. If we do not love, then everything seems dark and bad. But if we choose to love with all we’ve got, then everything seems to have Hope and possibilities. Same in our relationships. If both spouses choose to learn each other’s love language, then the way they think about their spouse is motivated by that love. Love becomes the center of how we connect with them, how we treat them and how we think, speak and act towards them. For instance, our deepening love will shape the things we decide to do, or not do, the words we say, or not say, the amount of hours we spend at work or away from the home, the things we buy, or stop buying…are you getting my meaning? Everything we think, say and do for our spouse is reflective of this choice to love that we have made. Again, Love colors our perspective, which leads to more fulfilling relationships and a more Abundant Life. After all, we were created to love and be loved. This means we were created to have, enjoy and share relationships with God and others.

Here’s some quick examples of how choosing to love the way God loves us, unconditionally, can alter our actions towards our spouse. If we choose to love, even if they have annoyed us in one way or another, we will choose to forgive and think highly of them anyway. We may do something like decide to cook them a special dinner, because we are focused on loving them. Or we may not do something like deciding to leave the house and go complain with some friends about our spouse, because love does not belittle the one we choose to love. Also, we may choose to say words that will encourage our spouse, instead of defeating them. We may choose to leave work early to surprise our spouse, instead of lingering at work and not spending precious time with them. We may stop spending money on unnecessary things that do not bless our spouse, but work together to make and keep a monthly budget. In other words, love colors our perspective, and our perspective will move us to place our spouse, and others, where they should be, ahead of ourselves. 

2023’s Got A Minute? Book Club

January: The Bible

February: “The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts” by Gary Chapman

<>< Peace, Diane