All for God’s Glory

Let’s wrap up this last Pillar of Physical Health by talking about our physical home environment, and all the chemicals we are exposed to on a daily basis. Whether the motive is to give us humans more convenience, or if it is really just all about making a profit, I am not here today to argue that point. I only want to let you know that, our reality is you and I are being exposed to a crazy number of chemicals.…I mean crazy, like somewhere between 80,000 to 100,000 different manmade compounds every day! Our God-created bodies don’t know what to do with all these foreign substances, so sadly, many of us will get some kind of side effects from them. For some, it will be rashes or other allergic reactions. Others might experience respiratory issues like asthma or can have COPD worsened. Still others just might have an illness related to chronic inflammation because their bodies are trying all they can to fight and process all these chemicals. 

Please do not fall into fear, that is not my intent, but as I have been saying, we have to be informed and make better choices so we can have a healthier environment and be healthier ourselves. We cannot eliminate all of them, but we can lessen them by making choices that will reduce the amount of chemicals we allow into our homes. I touched on this topic way back when I was talking about the first five Pillars, but this week I hope to share with you some changes we have implemented in our household, that seem to be helping and are well worth the effort.

And before we go, if you would give me the license to celebrate a little: today marks my 365th video! That’s a whole year of posting a video every single day! I am praising God for keeping me going, through my own health issues, as well as my parents, and everything else that has been happening this past year! You see, nothing is impossible for God, and if we hold on to Him, giving Him a willing heart and an open mind, the obedience will come and then nothing is impossible for us too! Praise God with me today! And if you will, please like this video, share this video, subscribe to my channel and leave comments, all that is extremely helpful and encouraging too! Thanks for walking this journey with me! See you tomorrow…

<>< Peace, Diane