Always By Your Side

The Holy Spirit is by our side so we are never alone. God will never leave you nor forsake you. What a powerful and comforting verse this is to me. And if it helps me to keep on keeping on, then as I live this out with my husband, it will help him too. 

One of the most told lies from the enemy to all God’s children is that we are all alone. No one understands us. So if we have to do anything, we have to do it on our own. What garbage! As our husband’s helper, we should always make sure they know we are there for them in whatever way they need us. Whether that is to make major decisions about life, to massage their tired shoulders after a tense workday, or to simply hand them the wrench as they fix the sink, our mate needs to know we are here to help. And if you are thinking, “Yeah well how about him helping me since I have so many other things to do?!” then you are missing the point! As we fulfill our role, they will want to fulfill theirs too. (1Pe 3:1-2) Then everyone is content. We each feel respected and will show respect to each other…but if this is not your experience…well, let’s talk tomorrow… 

<>< Peace, Diane