The Holy Spirit shows us respect even, and especially, when we do not deserve it. This is real love, my Friends. Anyone can be loving and helpful to their spouse when that spouse is loving and helpful to them…but what if one spouse is trying to “lord it over” the other? This was never God’s Plan! Being the leader of the household does NOT give men the license to abuse their wife. No one is the master and no one is the slave. Both husband and wife are equal in value, significance and importance. It takes both spouses, doing their part, to make a home work smoothly, safely and be mutually satisfying. 

Respect is a deep need our men crave. We all know men who have a hard heart. Regardless of how they became that way, it is only the Love of God that can ever soften them. As we wives, patiently tend to our other half’s needs- spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically- we are displaying this love that can melt glaciers. And then, we trust in God to do His part. Ultimately we can respect our husbands who may not be living up to their role to love the wife as Jesus loves the Church, because we are serving the Lord by doing the right thing. 

My Friends, this in no way means God wants you to stay in a dangerous situation. If this is your reality, please seek help. A healthy marriage requires that respect be a two way street. We will wrap this up tomorrow…

<>< Peace, Diane