Wishful thinking will get us nowhere. We need to stop wishing we were healthier, but instead, we need to start worshipping then working. Worship always comes first because we need the Holy Spirit’s guidance and insight and power to self-discipline and so on in order to…
As I always say, sowing and reaping is a real thing. We have to make good decisions here, today, so that we can have a good harvest tomorrow. And choosing to be active is certainly good seeds to sow into our health. This, of course, requires…
To have the best health possible, we must move so that there is a healthy flow into us, through us, then out of us. Whether we are talking about our circulatory, digestive and even lymphatic systems, we need movement to make sure these perform optimally. It is not healthy for us to…
God created us with bones, joints and muscles that are meant to be moved. These movements help every system in our bodies to flow correctly. In times past, people had no need of gyms because their work was their activity. In order to…
Last week, I talked about a very important topic and it kind of goes along with what I want to discuss this week. “DO something,” means living an active life. As we return to the Seven Pillars of Physical Health, let’s remember that we had been talking about Nutrition and Hydration, which we can talk about forever, but then I went into…
Hi Friends,
Stress is a healthy response to the challenges of life…but chronic stress is both unhealthy and life threatening. We need to be able to run from a bear charging at us…but let’s be honest, how often does this happen?! Because our bodies cannot tell the difference between a real threat and a perceived one, we must learn ways to…
There are so many bill being voted on right now in Congress that have the potential to take away of freedoms and change the way we are allowed to worship and follow Christ. Contact your Congressman, write to them, email them, call them…if you can, get a group together and go to their office and speak with them. Let them know how we feel, Church. They are supposed to be representing every one of their constituents. But if we remain passive, how will they know…