Labels Don’t Define You

This is a very powerful concept if you really grasp it: you are NOT a label! If in the past, someone has diagnosed you with some kind of illness, please understand this does NOT define who you are. The only thing that should define us is…

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You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

Here’s a concept that we must come to terms with: you are responsible for what you know. So if you are going to be doing research and listening to my videos, now you must choose to do something with this information. You don’t know what you don’t know, and God would never…

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Lifespan AND Health Span

This concept makes complete sense, of course, but I only recently came across it. It is the difference between our lifespan and our health span. Our lifespan is how long we live in this world, and by God’s Grace, many people are living longer lives. But the question is…

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For Your Information

So the first “disclaimer” I must say is: I am not a doctor…but I am a pharmacist by trade so I do have a medical background. But I have to say, “The things I am going to share with you about our health is for your information only. Please seek the counsel of a medical professional…and so on…

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Some Things You Should Know

Last week, we talked about the “Seven Ripples of Life,” which are the different areas of our lives that Jesus begins to transform once we become born again. For the next couple of weeks, I want to focus on that second ripple that I call “Health Seekers.” But before we dive into learning some practical things we can do to optimize our health, there are a couple of…

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