If we choose Life, like God commands us to by the way, then we will sense His blessings even in challenging times. Our perspective is that we…
I heard someone say once that, after we surrender our lives to Jesus as Savior, our struggle to follow Christ is like having two wolves living on the inside of us. If we choose to feed the first wolf, he will…
North OR South. In Christ we have a choice: we can lean on our own limited understanding OR we can turn to God, pray and discern His Will for us. (Pr 3:5-6) As we surrender our lives to Jesus as Lord…
As we turn our hearts to God, surrender our lives to Jesus, the Holy Spirit comes to live within our dead spirit and brings Everlasting Life into us…and all this ONLY because God so loves us! Put your name in that beautiful verse…
So The Downfall has left us in this deadly “death mode” where we make choices based on MMI instead of on the good that God desires for each of us. What we need to understand is…
Love is all about the freedom to choose, and as that lovely verse Dt 30:19 says, we can either choose Life with its corresponding blessings OR death with its…
Life is filled with choices! As we continue to think about this all important topic of perspective, let’s understand that our perspective is also a choice. From the moment we become…