God is always calling out to us…but that doesn’t mean we are always listening! There are three ways we can…
While there is only ONE light OF the world, we believers are supposed to imitate Him. As we connect with the Holy Spirit, first by…
The Body displays who we are to the world. The Soul is the way we think, experience our emotions and houses our will, what we desire from life. But it is only…
While it is our body which is seen and interacts with the physical world around us, our soul is what drives the body more times than not. Our Soul is…
Trinity means three distinguishable parts all in one being. If we confuse or melt together two of those parts, then it is no longer…
The Holy Trinity is a Truth we must believe by Faith, yet it may not be as difficult to understand as we…
The example of the lamp is a good way for us to see…