Hi Friends,
We are all so busy these days, but what if we would choose to stop and take a minute to reflect on some godly topics? Do you think it would change the quality of the rest of your day? That certainly…
Hi Friends,
As we speak truth in love to others, as we speak words of Life to ourselves, as we continue to gain confidence in knowing the difference between the sources of the words that pop into our minds and as our words bring about a life of contentment, I hope we realize we are not able to achieve any of these goals by ourselves. We need the constant and unending power of the Holy Spirit to guard our words. Listen…
Hi Friends,
Speaking words of truth in love to others. Speaking words of Life to ourselves. Speaking words in confidence as we discern what is acceptable and what is no longer acceptable in this New Creation Life. All these lead to something I mentioned in passing last week…it is one of the major blessings of the Abundant Life. Let’s talk about it….
Hi Friends,
We must speak truth in love to others because those are the words that will set them free from potential sorrow down the line. We also must speak words of Life to ourselves because that is what will help us live with contentment. Aligning all our words to God’s Word is the key. Listen to this powerful verse…
Hi Friends,
Last week, we talked about speaking truth into the lives of others whether they want to hear it or not. This week let’s talk about the power of the words we speak to ourselves. Listen to this amazing verse…
Hi Friends,
Lord, give me the words to speak. Since only God truly knows what is going on in each person’s heart, it is vital that this be one of our prayers if we want to be a blessing to those around us. This promise becomes more and more real…
Hi Friends,
The Way is to obey God. The Truth that God loves us motivates our obedience. The Life that God grants us as we obey because He loves us is the Abundant Life filled to the overflow with peace, joy and righteousness in the Holy Spirit. And this Way, Truth and Life are the only way to Heaven. Listen one more time to this amazing verse…