Hi Friends,
Regrettably, the media is not giving us a complete picture of how this pandemic is really affecting its human victims. They are only telling us half of the picture and not even coming close to focusing on things that would help us make better choices to be on the side of those recovering instead of those getting gravely ill. While the number counts of those infected and those passing away are vital to know, it would help us more if we had…
Hi Friends,
One of the lessons I hope we all are learning during these challenging times is to not take the precious little things of life for granted. We are not entitled to all these blessings, my Friends. It is only because God is so very gracious that we have any good thing. Let’s choose to appreciate…
Hi Friends,
One of the causes of fear is not being able to control situations in our lives. But God never asked us to control our circumstances! He hopes we will choose to lean on Him and control ourselves. The more we exercise self-control, the clearer we are to make…
Hi Friends,
Every time I am able to share one of the miraculous stories we experienced throughout Beckie’s trials, it makes her already priceless life that much more valuable. It is with Hope that I am honored to share this story with you today, praying it will encourage you with whatever challenge you face in life. Please never forget that God is STILL the God of miracles. Our part is…
HI Friends,
Being a Christian requires us to be counter-cultural. Opposite from this fallen world, we are called to walk by Faith, not facts. When we decide to live our lives this way more and more, it is amazing how we experience what is happening around us. Instead of being fearful, we actually become grateful…and this honors our God and Lord. Let’s choose to believe first and then see. That’s, after all, what Faith is all about….
HI Friends,
Wouldn’t you agree that the power of Hope is an incredible thing?! It not only helps us to keep on persevering, but it honors God when we believe in Him for big, bold prayers. Please understand, our Hope is not based on this decaying, fallen world, but on our Perfect Jesus. Since we were not created for…
Hi Friends,
I would like for us to think about a couple of questions today: 1- Who is our king? 2- Do we truly believe God wants to heal us? and 3- Are we really willing to do what we must to receive God’s blessings? God’s Word is clear on what we must do then. Read 2Chronicles 7:14 and watch the video for more insight….