Sinners Gonna Sin

So again, the bad news is so very bad, which should make receiving the Good News a no brainer, right? Yet how many people still do not accept this free gift? And I am talking about those who…

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The Dark One

Why am I belaboring this point of our fallen nature? Why am I spending all this time reminding us of how sinful we are apart from God? Why must I continue to point to the darkness that lies within us? Because it is not until…

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11-14 The Last Call

Hi Friends,
The Three Calls of God. We touched on the first two last week, so this week let’s focus on the third. Now that we are like those five wise maidens, IN Christ, having answered the Call to Salvation, now that we are like those good and faithful servants who multiplied the talents God has granted, as we continue to…

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Back to Basics

Those three enemies do not like the idea that we are New Creations in Christ. The devil does not want to lose a puppet. The world does not want to lose a servant. And that old self, she doesn’t want to…

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