We should aim to get all our nutrients from God made ingredients. This is not only true about fiber, but of course, it holds for our vitamins and minerals too. Rather than just taking supplements, eating as close to what God created as possible, naturally provides us with all the necessary vitamins and minerals we need to be as healthy as possible. The issue is that all these healthy nutrients work best in conjunction with one another in the vessel that God made. If we just take a vitamin A pill, for instance, it will not have the same benefits as eating a carrot. Just swallowing a Selenium tablet will not help as much as eating TWO Brazil nuts a day. Those God made foods contain all sorts of other nutrients that work together to bring us optimal health.
There are many foods that contain the same vitamin, so there is no need to limit the types of foods you eat. For instance, many people run for carrots when they want vitamin A. But you can find this important nutrient in things like broccoli, kale, grapefruit and sweet potatoes too. Omega 3 is available to us in more than just fatty fish like salmon or sardines. Great sources can be chia and flax seeds as well as beans, berries and cruciferous greens. And like I said above, now we are taking in all the other nutrients also available in the same item. Eat what God created and we will have all the vitamins and minerals we need.
If you absolutely cannot get in the “30 different God ingredients” that we talked about yesterday, then certain supplements are better than nothing, but always opt for what God created over what man invented. His design is perfect like He is!
Today’s tip: eat your vitamins and minerals, don’t just supplement with pills
<>< Peace, Diane