Behold the word “behold”! This is not a simple, “Hey, look at this.” It is a, “Stop everything, and…
Many of you know I call my old person self, Jezebel. It is a good idea to separate your New Creation self from the old sinful person you used to be. Why? So you can remember that the old has passed away. You see, every word…
Have you ever gotten anything brand new? Maybe it was an outfit you’ve had your eye on for a while. Or maybe a brand new car, with that new car smell? Whatever it is, I am sure you were…
Another beautiful word in this verse is “anyone.” God’s Love and blessings are available for anyone who is in Christ. There are no special Christians who get to have a deep relationship with God, while others…
Last week, we started this journey to memorize 52 Bible verses this year, with the most well known verse, John 3:16. The application of this verse is simply to see and begin to understand the…
Eternal Life begins the moment we sincerely believe in God’s Love, in the work of Jesus and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. No more living like we used to live because…
When whosoever believes, the promise is we will not perish but have eternal life. This means that we will never know the depths and depravity of eternal separation from God. Think about your…