Believe In Who?

When we choose to believe that God so loves us, when we choose to place our Faith in the life and sacrifice of Jesus, when we choose to surrender our lives to the Holy Spirit, we…

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Only One Way

As we said yesterday, it is because “God so loved the world” that He could not sit by and do nothing, allowing everyone He created to be doomed to an eternity apart from Him. God made The Way, the one and only way, for humans to…

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First Verse

I do hope you know which verse I was referring to yesterday. If you are a born again Christian, then this is certainly a verse you should have memorized by now because it is the whole Gospel in a nutshell. What is it?…

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New Year, New Journey

I hope to do something a little different this year that can help us to engage with God’s Word more, as well as to be able to implement it in ways that will help us have more peace and joy in our lives. Hopefully this will also…

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