The way this world views success and the way God does, couldn’t be more different. The world thinks that when we have all the right stuff and people around us, we must…
Our reality is, this side of Heaven, we will always have trials and challenges. Jesus said this much in the Gospel of John 16:33. But praise God that verse doesn’t…
Trial and error is the best way for us to learn, did you know that? If we were only to succeed at every single thing we attempted, would we even appreciate any of it? No, we humans always use…
I encourage you to find your spiritual gift, or gifts, by using anyone of the many gift assessment tools, as I mentioned last week. Again, a link to the one I use is below. Everyone has at least one gift, if not more, but this is not just for…
Have you ever thought about all the things we have, all the abilities we possess, and all the people that come into our lives? Did you know that God entrusts us with all of these? Sadly, way too often…
Once we surrender our lives to Jesus, not only receiving Him as our Savior, but also making Him our Lord, then we should be only living for God. There should be no such thing as a…
I call knowing your spiritual gift in order to find your vocation, finding your Sweet Spot. It is here where you can sense the deep connection between you and God and it is almost like being in…