The key to using these gifts from the Holy Spirit is to follow His lead, of course. Unlike talents that use our minds and bodies to be carried out, these spiritual gifts are only used with…
We need both an occupation, as well as a vocation, to truly enjoy life. Again the job is to help us be able to live here, but the vocation is to help us be able to have a fulfilling life here, while…
For our occupation, we use the different sets of talents God has imbedded in each of us when we are born. This can involve some…
So there is a huge difference between the purpose of our occupation versus our vocation. Obviously, our occupation is our jobs where we…
We have been talking about relationships the last couple of weeks, and today we will transition to the seventh, and last Ripple, in what I call the Seven Ripples of Life. I call this one “Joyous Service,” and it centers around…
When each of us does our part, then the whole body of water should be filled with lovely interconnected ripples. This is what relationships are supposed to be like here in this world, everyone…
Good and healthy friendships take time and energy to develop. Imagine if we really had 500 friends? Would we even have time to breathe?! No, it is good to have all sorts of different levels of friends. These can be classified as…