The truth about humanity is: no one is perfect! I know that sounds obvious, but when we live by the lie we talked about yesterday, we tend to forget this truth about ourselves. Sure it is easy to…
“I am right, so they must be wrong!” Do we even recognize this as a lie? Or is this just the way we think about every relationship we have? Again, this is a…
Our major problems with relationships comes when we expect others to be who, and do what, we expect them to be and do. Notice all that expecting? We do this because we tend to view life and others through…
To love and be loved. This is the whole point to life. Remember, the first “not good” in the Bible was that it is not good for man to be alone. (Gen 2:18) Even though Adam had God, he needed…
Let’s move forward to my Ripple 6 this week and start discussing one of the most challenging parts of life, which can also be the most fulfilling: relationships. We talked already about marriage and parenting, but now we are going to…
Baby Step 7 is our goal. Here we are completely Debt Free, have plenty in our EF, are saving that 15% for our golden years, have helped our children with their higher education, and have gotten rid of that mortgage. Now we can focus on building wealth and imitating…
Our homes will probably be the biggest debt we will have in this world. While the Debt Snowball takes care of lesser debts, if you own a home, Baby Step 6 encourages us to pay off our home early. Just adding an extra…