I think we all love the next item we can save for, and that’s retirement! But these golden years should be about so much more than sitting on a white sandy beach somewhere or playing golf every day! This is the time in life where we…
What did people do before credit cards? They actually saved for big expenses! This is what is called a Sinking Fund. We sink a certain amount of money every month towards…
The next Baby Step in FPU’s program is to get out of debt, but we will tackle that topic next week. Today we move on to Baby Step 3 where we fully fund that Emergency Fund we talked about yesterday. Since most little emergencies will…
The first step in FPU is to save $1000 as quickly as possible, in a separate and safe account. This will be called our Emergency Fund, because sooner or later, an emergency expense will happen. Whether it is…
It is John Maxwell who first said, “A budget is telling your money where to go, instead of wondering where it went.” If we truly want to have peace about our financial health, then we must make…
In FPU, Mr Ramsey calls these monthly working budgets a Zero Balanced Budget because what comes in, must equal what goes out. Now that doesn’t mean you are spending every last penny on stuff. This monthly working budget has to include…
When both spouses agree and commit to the same plan, whatever that may be, it only serves to unite the couple deeper. Sadly enough, I think we all know that many arguments in a marriage tend to focus around…