Today let’s start with what God says: “I’m good enough.” After all, this is why He sent His only Begotten Son to die in my place, so that I could, not only be good enough to commune with Him here, but also so that He could…
The real way to have this peace that surpasses understanding is to connect with God, spiritually, and with His help, work on our soul by capturing our thoughts. This is inside-out living vs outside-in existing. Our belief will…
Once you are sincerely born again and the Holy Spirit has united with your spirit, giving you life everlasting, no enemy can enter into your heart ever again. We are…
So we’ve been talking about peace and the relaxation it brings from a spiritual and soulful point of view. But I know people are always looking for some “practical things” to do, so…
Think about what you think about. Give God a willing heart and open mind. Know WHO you are in Christ. Hold on to this New Identity He has given you. And choose to believe what He says about you, you are God’s beloved, holy child! The more we simply remain in this Truth, the more that…
We are God’s beloved, holy children. This last part brings me so much relief because I do not have to be perfect. My Friends, we are children! That means we are still growing, still learning, still maturing, and yes still messing up too. This is NOT an excuse, but it is…
We belong to God, and because of that, we are called God’s beloved and we are called holy. We are holy, not because of anything we have done or not done, but because of what Jesus has done for us. He has taken away our…