Our Microbiome & Pain Relievers

Today, let’s discuss our Microbiome and pain relievers. Everyone has a different pain tolerance, which simply means that one person is able to feel pain more intensely than the next person. For instance, doctors have told me I have a high pain tolerance, which means, when my body is in pain, I do not require as much pain medication, nor as quickly, as someone who feels it more intensely. I say this to make sure you understand that…

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Our Microbiome & Antibiotics

Today let’s talk about Microbiome and antibiotics. I hope we would all agree that antibiotics have been a game changer. Before 1928 when Dr Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin, many people died from what are now very curable infections. Penicillin is a…

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Our Microbiome & Medications

This week, we are going to talk about our Microbiome and medications. I remind you all that I am NOT a doctor…but I am a pharmacist and so, medicines are kind of my forte. But I am not here to diagnose anything, and I am certainly not here to…

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Suffering Teaches Obedience

Some of you may not know my story…this will be a quick witness: I had always believed in God, but He was up there, in Heaven somewhere and didn’t really have too much to do with “my life” here on earth. Oh I prayed to Him, but then went about my own thing …I knew where He was if I “needed” Him, but pretty much…

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Disobedience Invites Suffering

When both Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s command, they invited suffering into our world. They were separated from God in their spirit, but by God’s Grace, they could still use their soul to discern good from evil. You see that second tree, the forbidden fruit they ate, was what I call…

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