There seems to be three powerful steps, one that builds upon the next, that will help us receive more of the Freedom so that we can, not only know the right things to do, but then actually do them. These steps help us say NO to Pride, and YES to Humility, so that we will…
Part of this Abundant Life is the tension we should be feeling every day as a Christian. This tension involves that Pride versus Humility we talked about last week. Pride is based on the enemy’s fallen nature which he is still trying to…
For those of you not familiar with the process of Sanctification, understand it is like going to school. As we “graduate” from one grade to the next, we have hopefully proven that we have mastered the subjects at that level and are ready to…
So I was going to move on to the pillar called Microbiome this week, but I can sense God working on me to go deeper into this “why we do not do what we know we should” thing. If Pride is what keeps us from doing what we know we should do, and Humility is the Solution, how do we move…
Do you understand the value of your body? How about your mind? What about your life? Here is what I want us to take away this week: the truth is, apart from Christ, we don’t have any worth, but my Friends, if you are a born again Christian, if you have surrendered your life to Jesus, then you are…
Ultimately the issue for all life’s problems is the same: Pride. I have said it once and I will say it a million times: Pride is the root of all evil. It keeps us from being the holy, children of God we were always meant to be. And why? Because it…
Habits are really difficult to break. They become ingrained in us so much that they become automatic. We don’t even have to think about doing them, we just do them, right? Now if they are…