A Showcase

If you are not familiar with my story, with what brought me to my knees and led me to surrender my life to Jesus, you can click the link below to hear more details. Suffice it is say that the suffering that God allowed into my daughter’s…

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It Points to Him

Mr Lucado begins this very challenging chapter 12 titled “My Struggles Are About Him,” with a heart wrenching story about two devoted missionaries. Their story, and perhaps ours, leaves us wondering, “what is God doing?” The authors says what we might be thinking, “Maybe…

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No Exceptions

One last thing about our bodies and how they are supposed to bring God Glory. Can we spend a little time today talking specifically about sex? While our bodies should be maintained in healthy conditions, we also should not use them for our own…

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Proper Care

Mr Lucado continues this conversation about our bodies by telling us the Corinthians “…philosophy conveniently separated flesh from spirit. Have fun with the flesh. Honor God with the spirit. Wild Saturdays. Worshipful Sundays. You can have it all.” (p110) Do we…

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Not Our House

Now we are going to hit a topic that is not talked about enough in church. Our body is also a tool for God’s Glory. Mr Lucado begins this chapter using yet another great example as he talks about house-sitters. You know, someone who…

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Let’s Boast

Once more I want to emphasize the serious problem of Legalism and how it discounts God’s Grace. If I can do something, anything, to be saved, then why do I even need God’s Grace? For that matter, why…

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