Surrender, submit and obey. This is how the Christian Life becomes abundantly overflowing with all that is good. Sadly, I think this current culture…
Surrender. I want us all to hold on to this freeing word this week…and beyond. If you did not watch my videos about my Faith crisis, my goodness I hope you will. (links are below, please watch them in sequence to get the whole story) I am still in the process…
So if the only way to have Everlasting Life is to surrender to Jesus… because it is the only way… and if the only way to experience more and more of this New amazing Life here is to continually surrender to the Holy Spirit… because again it is the only way… then…
Surrender ourselves to the Holy Spirit and we will be able to enjoy and share this New Life in Christ we already have because of Him. You see, once we make that first…
Surrender. This is how we become born again. We surrender our lives to God, admitting we are a sinner who cannot save ourselves, much less anyone else. We humble ourselves to understand…
I hope we are all understanding more deeply that there is something so much better to this Christian Life than just trying to do the best “I” can. Mostly because this…
The Holy Spirit is a Person, not some kind of force or power. Dr Stanley says, the Bible “ascribes to Him all the distinctives of personality….1- knowledge, 2- will 3- emotion.” (p18) “He is not a power to…