So here it is: because we Fear not getting what we want, we react to the stresses of life in negative, harmful ways. This reveals our old sinful self, instead of the Fruit of the Spirit that now lives within us. I call these…
As we mature in Christ, we will let go of our will, more and more. This is the whole point to growing up. For instance, instead of wanting to give someone a…
While I have believed and taught on Romans 8:1 for years, it wasn’t until this Faith crisis that its Truth reached the depths of who I am. Profoundly understanding that…
So as I continued to pray, “Lord, I know You can, but I don’t trust You will,” God began to reveal the root of my problem. It might be something…
The tests God uses to discipline and prune us have nothing to do with our Salvation. Our Eternity has already been…
“The Secrets of the Vine.” I can talk about this book for months, as a matter fact I once taught a 10 week class about it. There is so much we can learn from this powerful little book and when we…
Don’t miss the powerful story on pages 67 to 68, about a son finally realizing how he had…