The whole point to allowing these increasing degrees of discipline in our lives is so that God may reveal a truth about our nature to us. We have all…
As we learn about the ways God will allow the pressures of our lives increase, so that we will realize we are living in a way that is not best for us, Mr Wilkinson takes the time to give us some…
The last degree of discipline God uses to free us from the prison of any sin we are still living in, is scourging…ok, just by the name of this degree we know it is…
Let’s move on to the next degree of discipline God uses to help us let go of sin, so that we can bear fruit for His Glory and our…
So back to the book. Mr Wilkinson teaches that God will discipline us in degrees. This is yet another example of His…
Before we move on with this incredible book, let’s have a real talk about sin. Sadly, too often we downplay the seriousness of sin by calling it a mistake or a weakness or a bad habit. The truth is sin is…
We all know that discipline does not feel good, but the fruit it produces will lead to an incredible return on our investment! In Hebrews 12, there are some of…