Mr Wilkinson says, “… disciplining is God’s proactive answer to moving you out of barrenness and toward fruitfulness.” (p44) Yet if we are not…
As I said yesterday, the Vinedresser, that is our Holy Father, will tenderly pick us up if we have not been bearing any fruit, and begin the process of…
Level one is “Barren Branches and Empty Baskets.” And remember, no guilt here! (see Ro 8:1) We all have to start somewhere, and the truth is, this is…
No fruit. Those in this level may be brand new Christians, or they may be Christians for many years, but have not…
The first basket is “no fruit.” We will spend much time here because I think this is currently the level of way too many Christians, and it is leading to…
It is the destiny of every believer to bear fruit, and every believer will bear fruit to their maximum potential, because…
esus continues His discourse by talking about “every branch in Me”. (Jn 15:2) It is important to emphasize that Jesus said…