“How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.” That’s from a lovely poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and it speaks to the fact that there really are…
Next we have the love language Dr Chapman calls Receiving Gifts. This one is a bit more difficult for me to talk about since it is…
As I mentioned yesterday, the activity is not the most vital part of this Quality Time. It is the emotional bond that is being deepened as we give this time to the one we are loving, that is the key. Again, with our spouse they…
Next, Dr Chapman talks about Quality Time. This is a big one because I think the word “quality” is often misunderstood or ignored. Just sitting in front of the TV and not, at least speaking to each other, is not quality time. For this love language to be fulfilling to the one who speaks it, there must be…
Dr Chapman gives us some subsets, if you will, of this language. He says we can use encouraging words, kind words and humble words…and this reminds us that…
So let’s begin with the first love language that Dr Chapman discusses: Words of Affirmation. To affirm simply means to offer someone…
A big part of taking the initiative to reach out in love towards others is also remembering we are all unique human beings. With love, there is no…