The carnal man. This is someone who has sincerely surrendered his/her life to Jesus as Savior…but are still struggling with the…
The natural man. This is someone who does not acknowledge God as their Sovereign Lord. This includes those who deny there is anyone such as God. They call our…
As we mature in Christ, because this New Creation life requires that we grow up if we truly hope to enjoy it, we understand that we must bring every…
It is good that our kingdoms are lowly. Before I surrendered my life to Jesus as my King, I was on the throne and, man!, I was miserable! I had to not only try to…
As I said yesterday, once our heart’s are circumcised, that is once God removes our heart of stone and gives us a heart of flesh, that He can…
There is all sorts of incredible truth we can get from the Old Testament. Too many Christians like to focus on the New Covenant because it is dripping with…
Our lives are made up of habits, have you ever thought about that? From the moment we are born physically into this world, someone is trying to get us into some kind of routine. Whether that is a tired parent who…