As the Omniscient God, before we even breathed our first breath, God already knew all our actions…and He made sure…
God’s Love never changes towards us, even when He must allow us to reap the consequences of our own foolishness. Again, this never means that sin is ok. If your attitude is…
God cannot love you more than He does right at this moment. His Love is not based on our performance; it is based on the fact that He created us. Think about a parent with a…
So when God first created humans, He said that His creation was very good. (Gen 1:31) This is when Adam and Eve walked in the cool of the day with God, in full union with Him, you know, before…
God sees you, do you know that? Sometimes we feel like we are invisible in this busy, hustle and bustle world we live in, but the God Who created you, He saw you before…
If you have never read Psalm 139, I do hope you will carve out some time this week to do so. I am taking our next “verse to remember” from this wonderful song. In it you can learn about so…
Because The Father loves us, because Jesus died for us, because the Holy Spirit lives in us, we can be pure. Say this…