Please note the phrase “makes me lie down.” We must either choose to lie down and rest in God…or He will make us! Sometimes we humans want to keep on moving and hustling, but God wants us to…
“Green” means there is life in those pastures. “Still” means there is serenity in those waters. So whatever we are doing for God, we can do so trusting that He will…
What a lovely picture of heaven, right? I imagine the rolling hills of somewhere, like Ireland, and running arms stretched out through the green tall grass dancing with the wind in my hairs as I glory in the beauty and majesty of the nature God has created…maybe then a little further…
I shall not want. This does not mean we will never desire to have things in this world. We will always have needs, as well as wants, but we should never mix those two up. God is not obligated to…
So who is our shepherd? The Lord. And whose is He the Shepherd of? The Lord is MY Shepherd! This talks about having a relationship. And this relationship is built on God’s Grace. There is a huge difference between…
We’ve been talking about our Good Shepherd (Jn 10:11 & 14) and as I hinted last week, I’m going to do something a bit different the next couple of weeks as I challenge us to memorize the…
One of the countless reasons Jesus is such a Good Shepherd is because He will…