So we have Life within us, and now we are working it out of us, so that we can be stronger, and endure whatever comes our way, with…
So one more time in case you missed it yesterday: we do not DO anything to earn Salvation. It is a…
I have talked about this before, so I will only briefly touch on it today. Salvation is NOT something we can earn. It is a free gift from God to those…
In His absence. There are times when we do not sense the Presence of God, for several different reasons. One could be that we…
Paul is talking to a church he planted in Philippi about obeying the teachings of Christ he gave them while he was spending time there with them. They had taken to heart what Paul said, and in his presence, they all began to…
Last week, I mentioned how those three greatest of godly attributes are like muscle within us. We have to choose to use them in order for them to get strong and be…
G-O-A-T! While we like to name certain people by this title, truth is there’s only ONE greatest of all time and He is NO goat! He is The Good Shepherd Who…