So, we can be assured that this promise applies to us if we love God and…and are called to His purpose. So what’s His purpose? To…
Do you think it would be right if my neighbor came over and handed me his child’s college bill and expected me to pay for it? Of course not! His child is not…
So how many things are we talking about here?! All things. God does not just work together all the good things. He works it…
God works. I could probably spend an hour just on this part of the verse because there is so much goodness here! You see, you and I don’t have to…
For we know…not guess, or wish, or maybe, perhaps…WE KNOW! This is not based on…
I think it’s time for my number one favorite verse in the Bible. This one got me through every crisis with my Baby Girl, and still helps me now as I wait to be reunited with her again. It’s from the fantastic Book of…
The whole reason we can do any of this is because God is with us! With us! Do you believe it? No, I mean really believe it? Because…