So how did I begin speaking with more confidence and enjoyment? This other wise woman answered my question this way, “Well, you can choose to think of it as being…
It is easy to say do not fear, but the Bible is not telling us we will never sense fear. God is encouraging us that, when we FEEL fear, we can choose to…
So let’s talk a little bit more about fear for the rest of this week because, while prayer is powerful, fear can be also, and I don’t want to seem like I’m…
Notice how Jehoshaphat sets his face, or as the NIV says, he resolved to inquire of the Lord. This is not a passive, “Well, I’ve done everything else so I guess I will pray” mentality. This is a…
The king felt afraid and he ran to God for help. How wise! But it is interesting that he didn’t stop there. You see, you and I were never meant to…
Let’s spend a little time these next couple of weeks in the Old Testament story of King Jehoshaphat. If you have never read this particular event in his reign as king of Judah, I do hope…
So God works with what He is given because sowing and reaping is a real Biblical, and thus, Life principle. If we choose to engage in this process of Sanctification by increasing our…