Choices Bring Consequences

Today, let’s think about the words demand versus command. Please never forget that the Bible is filled with God’s commands, not suggestions. He wants for every human to follow His Will because it is what will be best for us, even when it is difficult. Yet as we said yesterday, because He is a God of Love, He does not force us to choose His Way over any other. This is the same idea here. God never demands we choose His commands! But please never mistake God’s patience for His permission. Just because His Love gives each of us the Freedom to choose, does not mean He just let’s us do whatever we want with no accountability. Again because He loves us, God allows us to reap consequences to every choice we make, good or bad.

Choices bring consequences. As you all may know, Dt 30:19 is one of my favorite verses that talks about these consequences. If we choose to trust God and follow His commands, we are choosing Life and the consequences of blessings. But if we think we know better, if we feel like His Way is not the best, if we want to do whatever it is we want to do…then we are choosing death, with the corresponding consequences of curses. We will feel depressed, anxious, bitter, angry, confused and so on and so on. The reason God uses consequences is to draw us towards Him and develop our relationship. When we choose to go our own way, and feel the sting of curses, He hopes we will choose to turn to Him and receive Life. Likewise, when we choose to obey His commands and sense the joy of blessings, He hopes we will choose to deepen our relationship with Him, as well as share these joys with others too.

Choices bring consequences. Let’s choose to honor our Loving Father by trusting and obeying His commands, more and more.

<>< Peace, Diane